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Mother's day SALE!

Now until the day after Mother's Day! Use sale code at check out time.... MOTHERSDAY17 and get 10% off your purchase.   Don't forget to use it. It is there for YOU to use and YOU are only one who can :) When it is GONE!

Jatka lukemista

Yo! #follow me<3

You can follow me on my social media 'spots'.... Instagram - @aspoonfulofcolors Pinterest - Tumblr - Facebook - to name a few :) Also, I sell on... Etsy - Shopify and website (linked) - https://   Many new items being listed daily and more dyeing happening all the time....the colorful creative juices are-a-flowin' :))))  

Jatka lukemista

Glorious Color!!!

This beautiful sundress is a one of a kind. With it's lovely deep burgundy coloring, makes this a fabulous dress to wear to a wedding, a festival or just comfortably enjoy a hot summer day.  

Jatka lukemista

I'm addicted to Batik!

I LOOOOOVE batik and the whole process, whether someone uses the traditional technique to the newer sometimes easier techniques, the end results are pretty neat! <3 I have just listed a pair of yoga pants using the batik technique as I have come to use it.

Jatka lukemista