2021 Is here...Whew!

2021 Is here...Whew!

I know, January is almost over...better late than never!

I do hope everyone is well so far in this new year and staying positive. I know it's hard but we can do it! 

I am hoping to do more hand sewn items in a minimal extra time I have in between my full time job (which has been more physically challenging than I expected) and running my two home based businesses, not to mention my family life. 

I have been dealing with a back issue (I should change that to issues) this past year so I haven't been able to do all I wanted to. This has frustrated me BIGTIME but all I can do is work through it and focus on healing as I go.

So bare with me in the next few months and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support. <3

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